June marks Pride Month, a national commemoration of the 1969 Stonewall Riots that opened the floodgates for the LGBTQ+ equality movement. Here are three ways to celebrate and support Laudy’s LGBTQ+ community this month.

The Stonewall National Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale will present “Pride and Prejudice,” an exhibit focusing on “the birth of an LGBTQ+ renaissance and liberation that started with Stonewall.” On display will be some of world’s best Pride billboards, plus a collection of Pride shirts from across the country. “Our community is everywhere, and we are part of every other group … no matter how you define yourself,” says Robert Kesten, the museum’s executive director.
Wilton Manors (nicknamed “the gayborhood”) is gearing up for Stonewall Pride June 17, a daylong affair with a parade and a street festival lining Wilton Drive. City Hall will also host a rainbow-flag-raising ceremony. “Pride certainly makes up the fabric of our community all year long,” says Wilton Manors Mayor Scott Newton. “You can see it proudly in our library, nonprofits, museums, businesses, and through our events and programming.”
The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida will perform its newest program, Disney Pride in Concert, June 24-25 at The Parker Playhouse. Singers will belt out your favorite tunes from the Disney songbook; sing along if the spirit of Pride strikes you.
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