Awe-Worthy Holiday Lobster Recipe

These Atlantic lobster tails with Chardonnay and garlic butter from Wild Fork Foods are a delightful addition to a holiday spread

Lobster Tails, photo courtesy of Wild Fork Foods
Photo courtesy of Wild Fork Foods

Freshen up your grand meal by incorporating this recipe for Atlantic lobster tails with Chardonnay and garlic butter from Wild Fork Foods that—let’s face it—is good any time of year.


Serves 2 

2 North Atlantic Seamazz lobster tails 

Butcher’s salt and pepper to taste 

2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

4 cubes frozen garlic 

2 tsp. lemon juice

1/4 cup Chardonnay

1 oz. unsalted butter, room temperature

2 tbsp. chopped parsley

Using a sharp knife, cut the lobster tails in half lengthwise. Season with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil in a medium-sized pan over medium-high heat. Place lobster tails meat side down and cook for 1 1/2 minutes or until slightly golden. Turn the tails to the other side, add garlic, lemon juice, and wine. Cook for 2 minutes until some liquid evaporates. (It’s recommended to cook shellfish to a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit.) Add butter and parsley and serve. 

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