Novecento’s Mollejitas

6 ounces sweetbreads, 1 ounce of mushrooms, 1.5 ounces French cut string bean, 1/2 ounce corn, 1/3 ounce mixed greens, 1/3 ounce cassava chips, 1/5 ounce dijon vinaigrette, 1/3 ounce demi-glaze, 1/2 ounce oil blend, 1 lemon, Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut the sweetbreads into half-inch slices.

2. In a hot pan, pour half an ounce of oil and fry the sweetbreads over high heat until golden on both sides. Add salt to taste and lower heat.

3. Remove from heat, and add a splash of oil and juice from half of lemon.

4. In skillet, sauté mushrooms, green beans and corn until cooked through. Add salt.

5. Plate mixed greens and drizzle with vinaigrette. Top with cassava chips, vegetable blend and sweetbreads. Finish with a splash of lemon juice and drizzle of demi-glaze.

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